Cures for Thigh Cellulite
Sluggish System
A sluggish lymphatic system, along with circulation and buildup of toxins is responsible for cellulite. This sluggishness often goes hand in hand with chronic constipation and not drinking enough water daily. Failure to flush out toxins on a daily basis results in a system laden with pollutants and causes weight gain. Foods, supplements and herbs that detoxify the system, promotes elimination and hydration will strengthen the immune system and help you eliminate the toxins and the cellulite that binds it to your thighs.
Cleansing Nutrients
Whey protein, kelp and chromium are nutrients that cleanse and strengthen. Supplements with plankton, algae and seaweed are good detoxifiers. They contain enzymes that break down fat cells and flush out the lymph and trapped fluids from the body tissues. Herbal teas three times a day are healthy beverages that help flush the system. Horsetail, dandelion, parsley, nettle and fenugreek all help move fluids and rejuvenate our system. Oils and creams that contain minerals and detoxifying herbs and stimulate the circulation can be helpful too. Beware ads for creams that claim to do it all--they can help, but you still need inner cleansing, diet and exercise. The same holds true for wraps. They can temporarily tighten the skin and flush some fluids, but it will come right back. For results, you need regular cleansing, hydration and elimination. To do this exercise daily to increase circulation and tone muscles, eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily and take healthy natural supplements and teas. There is no shortcut to a healthy body, but positive action is met with positive results.
Regular, daily exercise is essential to keeping fluids moving, releasing trapped fluids, burning fat and increasing circulation and cleansing the organs that remove fats and toxins. Increasing heat in the area can better break down the fat and flush stagnant fluids. Leg warmers or sweat pants worn while exercising will help get result in the thighs. Aerobic exercise is the best for increasing circulation. Get 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. You can do this in a gym, walking the dog or as part of your chores. Walking, jogging, running, biking and the elliptical are good aerobic activities for the thighs and buttocks. Throw in some spot work to target those thighs. Anaerobic activity that stimulates the muscles is the other way to reduce cellulite with exercise. Try walking lunges and squats. Old fashioned leg raises are still a top way to get great thighs. Vary the routine by doing standing and kneeling raises in all directions, with legs straight and bent. You may want to start off with 10 reps, 3 sets. For cellulite reduction in the thighs you really want to work up to 100 total reps per leg. Also increase the effect by adding leg weights. Increase gradually so as not to overdo it.
Cellulite accumulates in areas of poor circulation. Circulation and direct heat warm the area to soften and liquefy particles so they can be broken down and flushed out. Apply massage oils or creams to stimulate circulation and then massage the skin in a circular motion.
Remember that cellulite is caused by sluggish circulation, lymph and elimination. Correcting this involves a healthy diet, detoxifying supplements, exercise and lots of water. Regularity is essential so make these a habit to get it off and keep it off, and stay healthy.