Body Cleanse for Weight Loss
Healthy Body Cleansing
Over time, the colon and bowels can become infested with improperly digested food and fecal matter. People have begun using enemas or colonics as a way to cleanse the colon and live a healthier lifestyle. An added benefit is weight loss, not strictly in using enemas and colonics but in the macrobiotic diet that goes along with good colon health. This is a healthy way to lose weight naturally. Enemas should never be used a weight loss tool.
Enemas or colonics can relieve the colon and bowel of nasty bacteria and other items that impede the digestion of food. The enema process is not a pleasant one--a tube inserted into the anus rushes warm water into the cavity and into the bowels and colon; the water and toxins then rush back out through the anus and into the toilet. There are colonic kits available for home use, but such a procedure should be done by a professional.
Unhealthy Body Cleansing
The most common way body cleansing is used for weight loss is through diuretics. Laxatives, water pills and other cleansing agents are used to expel large amounts of water and feces from the body to have a dramatic and immediate weight loss. The body is made up primarily of water and when a large portion is suddenly expelled over a short time period, it leads to immediate weight loss caused by water loss.
Using diuretics for weight loss is unhealthy for several reasons. You risk dehydration and intestinal and bowel issues as a result of the sudden loss of water. Also, the weight loss in only temporary--no fat is actually lost, and the water that is expelled must be replaced. The sudden inflow of water may cause bloating, which can spur the person to use more diuretics. This type of weight loss is often a warning sign of an eating disorder.