Tips & Tricks for Losing Weight Fast
Eat Less, Exercise More
If you want to lose weight fast, the best method is simply to eat less and exercise more. It may seem like a simple solution, but it is also the most effective component in losing weight. Try controlling your portions by filling your plate with a normal amount of food and then put a quarter of it back. If you get hungry later, you can eat it then. Try this for a couple days and then try doing it with half of your normal portion. In just a few days, you will be eating less and feeling satisfied.
As for exercise, it just comes down to simple math. You have to burn more calories than you ingest. That means if you take in 2,000 calories each day, you have to find something to burn at least that many calories or else those extra calories get stored as fat in your body. One way to do this is to find a vigorous sport or hobby that you enjoy so you will want to exercise every day. For instance, if you enjoy tennis, try to play as often as possible so you will enjoy burning those calories.
Natural Diuretics
Natural diuretics are foods (usually herbs) that help your body rid itself of excess water. Many people who need to lose weight typically have excess fluids that their body is retaining and diuretics can shed those fluids quickly. Dandelion, juniper and ginger are three of the most popular natural diuretics and you can find them at your local whole foods store. Parsley, melons, asparagus and artichokes also have diuretic properties that help flush your body's excess fluids. Coffee, tea and soda are diuretics, but to a lesser degree.
You can also follow a diet plan that reduces the amount of water that your body retains. Eating small amounts of breads, rice and other starchy carbohydrates contributes to a lower level of excess fluids in your body. Avoid salty and sugary foods, too, because these types of products tend to retain water. Be sure to drink plenty of water and unsweetened teas to help your body flush out fluids. A variety of fruits and vegetables also contributes to a healthy diuretic diet plan.
Detoxify Your Body
Detoxifying your body is like flushing out excess water, but it also cleanses your body of other toxins that are weighing you down. Before taking any detoxification products or starting a detox regimen, you need to stop smoking, quit drinking coffee and alcohol, and cut out saturated fats and sugar from your diet. Also, reduce as much stress as you can because stress releases hormones into your system. This can create toxins in your body and slow down a detoxification process.
Detoxification programs typically follow a seven-day schedule. During the first two days, you should fast and only drink liquids like water, natural fruit juices and herbal teas. For the next five days, follow a healthy diet plan with plenty of fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables (beets, cabbage, seaweed, radishes, etc.) and plenty of water. In addition, taking hot showers or sweating in a sauna helps rid your body of toxins by eliminating them through perspiration.