Foods That Trigger Weight Loss
Salmon is extremely beneficial to the body in many ways, including weight loss promotion. Salmon contains omega-3 oils and protein, which help to trigger weight loss and contribute to a healthy immune system. Consume two servings of salmon per week. Salmon may also be substituted with tuna, tilapia or shellfish, all of which contain the essential fatty acids and protein that encourage weight loss.
Packed with fiber, vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium, oats have the perfect combination that promotes calorie burning, which in turn triggers weight loss. Oats also help to lower cholesterol, control diabetes and maintain a healthy nervous system. Consume three to five bowls of oats per week. Oats can be eaten raw or cooked in boiling water. Instant oatmeal is an acceptable alternative and can be found in most grocery stores and markets. If flavoring is desired, do not add butter or sugar to oats. Instead, select sliced fresh fruits such as strawberries or blueberries, which will provide essential vitamins and antioxidants.
Although nuts are classified in the same group as meat and poultry, they do not contain animal fat, saturated fat or cholesterol. Instead, the fats found in nuts are considered beneficial fats. Nuts are also a low-fat snack that boosts high amounts of protein, magnesium and iron. They can also help lower blood cholesterol level. The best choice of nuts to trigger weight loss are peanuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds and sunflower seeds. Eat an ounce of nuts once daily in order to boost weight loss. Although high in nutrition, macadamia nuts are high in caloric count and contain a few grams of saturated fats, and therefore should be excluded.