Weight Loss Foods for Women
Blueberries contain fiber and antioxidants and are allowed during the most restricted phases of low or no carb diets. Both fiber and antioxidants fuel weight loss because fiber provides an extended period of feeling full and antioxidants slow the aging process and increase metabolism.
Have up to 1 cup of blueberries daily for the most fiber and antioxidant benefits, or add some to low fat yogurt or steel-cut oatmeal.
Salmon is a good food for women because it contains a bounty of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugars. This results in feeling fuller for a longer period and keeps the metabolism fueled and burning fat.
Eat salmon grilled or blackened and include 3 oz. in your diet three times a week for optimum results.
Low Fat Plain Yogurt
Dairy is important for bone health and weight loss in women. Low fat plain yogurt is a combination of calcium and protein, the key components for health and weight loss.
University of Tennessee Professor of nutrition, Michael Zamel, PhD., presented findings from the his study regarding the impact of yogurt on weight loss at the 2003 Experimental Biology conference. Zamel concluded that people who added low fat yogurt to their diet plan lost more weight than those who only reduced caloric intake.
Study participants reduced their normal caloric intake by 500 calories per day, but one group consumed approximately 1,100 mg of calcium daily, including three servings of light yogurt. The other group consumed only 500 mg of calcium, the typical American dairy consumption. This 12-week study results found that yogurt eaters lost 22 percent more weight and 6.1 percent more body fat than those who did not.