Diets Celebrities Use to Lose Weight Fast
Master Cleanse/ The Lemonade Diet
Singer Beyonce Knowles and Robin Quivers of Howard Stern Radio fame have both gone public about their use of this diet method to shed pounds quickly. This diet is composed of a daily regiment of drinking a concoction that supposedly makes you lose your cravings for junk food, feel more energetic and detox your body as well as lose weight. The regiment can last as long as you choose, but it is not recommended for more than 14 days.
The drink is made of pure filtered water, organic lemons, organic cayenne pepper, grade B organic maple syrup, sea or Epsom salt and laxative tea as an option. The idea is to drink this several times a day instead of eating foods to rid your body of harmful toxins. The optional laxative tea is to help cleanse your system by excreting the toxins into your waste.
Once your allotted time for the detox diet has expired, you slowly progress into eating solid foods. The first day off of the detox, you drink orange juice. On day two, you drink orange juice and vegetable soup. On day three you can eat whole vegetables, fruit and salad. Normal eating is allowed on day four.
The down side to this diet is quite obvious: extreme hunger. Most people are accustomed to eating several meals a day and complain of feeling faint and dizzy after being on the master cleanse diet for even one day. There are also complaints of loose stools and frequent bowel movements because of the addition of the laxative tea and the saltwater.
The Cabbage Soup Diet
The cabbage soup diet is a seven-day crash diet that severely limits your dietary intake to two daily bowls of fat-free cabbage soup and fruit, vegetables and meat on alternate days of that week. There are varying recipes for the cabbage soup, but it mostly contains diced cabbage, vegetables, salt, pepper and whatever natural seasonings you like.
Though this plan does encourage eating fruits and vegetables, it has no other real benefits and is only effective because of the severe low calorie intake. It is only recommended to do this diet one week at a time, if at all.