Foods to Eat When Losing Belly Fat
If you find yourself craving sweets in the morning and again before lunch, try replacing your favorite cereal or doughnut with a bowl of oatmeal. Oatmeal is full of fiber and will help you to feel full longer. The fiber in the oatmeal will regulate your blood-sugar levels, warding off the drops in blood sugar that usually lead you towards sweets and snacks in between meals. Make sure you eat plain oatmeal and flavor it with fresh fruits instead of sugar and syrup.
Protein is incredibly important for proper metabolism. Many bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts drink protein shakes on a regular basis. Doing so will not only boost your metabolism but will also eliminate hunger cravings, lower your cholesterol and encourage your body to use fat for energy instead of muscle.
Don't like the taste of shakes? You can obtain protein from other sources, including lean meats and fish. For best results, you should have at least one serving of protein within an hour of your workout.
Berries are another great diet addition if you're trying to lose belly fat or fat from any area of the body. Berries such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are another great source of fiber and will again help you to feel full longer in between meals. Jellies made from berries are not an acceptable alternative to the berries themselves as most jellies no longer have any fiber content and have been mixed with tons of extra sugar.
Seafood, as noted earlier, is a great source of protein. Seafood also features essential amino acids such as the omega-3 fatty acids your body needs in order to maintain proper immune function and overall health. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are salmon and tuna fish.
Green Vegetables
Green vegetables like broccoli, spinach and romaine lettuce are packed not only with vitamins and minerals but with plenty of fiber as well. They also have low calorie counts. If you eat a salad before each meal, you won't feel as hungry and won't fill up on high calorie foods later on.
Tip: Iceberg lettuce has little fiber. Stick to romaine, arugula and spinach when making your salads instead.