Apple Detox Diet
First Three Days
The first three days of the apple detox diet focus on detoxifying the body. Apples should be eaten all day instead of breakfast, lunch and snacks. As much of the whole apple should be consumed as possible. At dinnertime, eat a regular meal consisting mostly of vegetables. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water during these three days to aid the body in flushing out the toxins. Since apples are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber the body is consuming those nutrients and expelling toxins.
The apples can be juiced or made into apple sauce. Make sure that the juices produced are mixed only with water. Sugar should not be added to any apple derivatives. Any remnants of the apple should also be consumed.
Post Detox
Following the detox phase of the diet, a healthy diet is recommended for the best benefits. Also try to consume at least three apples per day post detox either with meals or as snacks. A healthy diet should consist of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources and dairy products. According to the My Period website, women should consume 3 oz. of whole grains per day and men should consume between 3 and 4 o. of whole grains per day. A single slice of whole grain sandwich bread is 1 oz.
Women should consume 12 to 16 oz of fruit per day. Men should consume about 16 oz. of fruit per day. Try to eat whole fruit instead of juices or dehydrated fruit with added sugar. The whole fruit provides more nutrients and fiber.
Women should consume about 16 oz. of vegetables per day. Men should consume about 24 oz. of vegetables per day. Try to get in a variety of colorful vegetables each day as each provides different nutrients. Half of a small or medium-sized plate should be filled with vegetables at each meal.
Women should consume 5 to 5 1/2 oz. of lean protein per day. Men should consume about 6 oz. of lean protein per day. Protein sources are the number one contributor of saturated fats and a factor in high cholesterol levels. Instead, choose lean meats, poultry and fish.
Women and men should consume at least 3 cups of low-fat or fat-free milk per day. The calcium provided by milk can help strengthen bones and teeth. By drinking 3 cups of milk per day, it has also been linked to helping maintain healthy weight. Other dairy products besides milk can be consumed and milk is also a contributor to the lean protein intake as well. Cottage cheese rates amongst the highest protein providers in the dairy category with 14 grams of protein per 1/2 cup.