How to Get Abs Like Megan Fox
Things You'll Need
- Leg weights
- Stationary bike
WARM UP. The warm up phase is to release fatty acids from the fat cells so they are the ones that will be used during the high impact portion of the workout. Start by doing butterfly crunches (normal crunches with your knees bent.) Then go to planks. The coolest article I have seen on this which breaks the workout down is,-Awesome-Abs-Without-Doing-Crunches&id=1708526. The most important part of this, and the part I will repeat over and over, is to increase the number you do EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT. So you have to keep written records. Your goal should be 5 more each time.
THE BUSINESS. Now that your heart rate is up and your mind is right, let's get into it. Put some cool, fast music on and prepare to go go go for 15 minutes. Bicycle kicks, mini leg lifts, knee ups, standing leg lifts, and ball leg lifts. You can Google all those terms. If I told you about all of them, this article would be like 7 pages long! My bet is that your fat ass KNOWS what they are; you just need some motivation to DO them. Well how about dating movie stars and having guys fawn all over you and buy you stuff? Is that motivation enough? Get going!!!
COOL DOWN. This is when those fatty acids you released will get burned up. Set aside 30-45 minutes of cycling to do that. This is an absolutely essential component of the workout, so don't start acting sketchy now. THIS IS WHEN YOU LOSE WEIGHT. Healthy weight loss is based on fast movement followed by extended slow movement. It will also make sure you lose weight without getting all bulky.