No Diet Weight Loss Plan
What to Eat
In a conventional weight-loss diet, the dieter is usually limited to certain foods and/or certain quantities of food. Usually, she must write down all food she eats and when. The idea is to show her how much she eats and why. However, it can be frustrating and complicated to have to take the time to record every crumb.
An alternative is to simply stop eating between meals. Instead of hitting the vending machines midday, a dieter can limit himself to the usual three square meals each day. Second helpings are not allowed. Fill up the plate with what looks good and eat up.
"But I'll just fill up on junk food." That may be true the first day or two, but soon, you will crave the nutritious food your body needs. You will be concentrating on lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
How to Exercise
Exercise is important in any weight loss plan. Exercise raises the body's metabolism to burn fat and build muscle. However, it is not necessary to become an Olympic athlete in order to lose weight.
If you are not exercising already, start with a simple 10-minute walk. Even such a short walk has been proven to have health benefits. Ideally, you should have at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, so three 10-minute walks throughout your day is a good starting point.
If you need to lose a great deal of weight, ramp up your exercise routine a bit: Either walk for a longer period of time and/or at a brisker pace. Carry a set of hand-weights to increase the intensity if you wish.
Walking is the most-often recommended exercise because most people can do it, and a walking program can be started with little fuss. All that's needed is a pair of comfortable walking shoes. However, if the weather or the location is not good for a walking program, plenty of alternatives can be tried:
Exercise videos
Playing with the kids
SwimmingPick an activity you enjoy and do it.
Stress Relief
Many people are overweight because they turn to food for stress relief. Instead of wolfing down chocolate when life gets too complicated, try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to relax for just a few minutes. Think calming thoughts (e.g., a beautiful place you've visited or would like to visit) or just repeat words such as "Relax" or "Breathe."
Other relaxation techniques include phoning a friend, praying, meditating etc.
Drink lots of water. Many experts recommend eight 8 oz. glasses per day. Water adds no calories and helps you feel full so you won't eat as much. It also helps flush fat out of your body. If you don't want to measure the amount of water to drink, look at your urine: If it is mostly clear, you are drinking enough water. If it is yellow or golden, drink more water.
To avoid temptation, do not buy sugary or salty snacks. If you feel you must have them "for the kids," buy the kind they like but you don't. Put them in a cupboard where they won't be readily apparent.
Get plenty of sleep. Studies have shown that those who get eight hours of sleep each day maintain healthier weights than those who sleep less.
If you have a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes, consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting any weight loss plan.