Home Remedies for Quick Weight Loss
Drink an 8-oz glass of water before each meal to take the edge off hunger. It will help fill you up faster so you will eat less. Also drink a glass whenever you are tempted to eat junk food. It will take just long enough to drink that it will distract you from those extra calories. A good rule of thumb is if your urine is yellow or golden, drink more water. If it is clear, you are drinking enough.
To-Do List
Next to the cabinet in which you keep the junk food, keep a list of alternate activities. For example, if you like to watch T.V. with a bowl of chips or popcorn, try knitting, whittling or a word-search puzzle. These will keep your hands busy so you won't miss the snack. When you are stressed, clean out the garage or that junk drawer to vent your frustrations. When you're done, you'll feel better and have accomplished something.
Walking Shoes
Strive for three 10-minute walks each day, even just walking in place in front of the television. Walking helps you burn fat and calories and helps to relieve stress. It's an exercise almost anyone can do and it doesn't require a huge outlay of time or money.
Beans are full of fiber and protein and help you feel full longer, yet they are very low in calories and fat. You'll eat less yet still feel satisfied.
Your Favorite Treat
Many diets fail because we end up feeling deprived. If we feel denied of our favorite treats, we end up eating more in the long run because we feel entitled to it. Just remember that sweets and salty snacks are intended to be special treats for special occasions. When you feel the need to celebrate something, have a small portion and no more. Savor it slowly. You may be surprised to find that that small taste satisfies your craving. "Enough is as good as a feast," as the saying goes.
If you are diabetic or have some other chronic medical condition, consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting any weight-loss plan.