How to Lose Ten (10) Pounds (lbs) in A Week Fast, Easy, Effortless
Step one is clearly to EAT LESS. The diets that say you can eat anything you want and lose weight are usually not correct. They usually leave out the part those people who are eating what they want are exercising a lot! They burn off the calories that they eat. No one wants to eat less, of course not, but how do you expect to lose weight if you do not sacrifice something? I mean you obviously did something to put it on and even thought its easier to put on then take it off. A typical female usually needs to eat around 1,500 calories a day while a male is 2,000 calories a day. Your metabolic rate can be calculated by taking 220 pound male, base of 2,000 calories + (2 X 220 pounds) = 2,440 calories. So in order just to maintain the current weight the individual would need to consume 2,440 calories a day. So take this basis, this means to LOSE weight you need to eat less calories then that a day!
Step two is to exercise. This is important if you are not cutting many calories a day from your diet. In order to lose weight you need to burn twice as many calories as you eat. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories of stored unburned energy. So if you weigh lets say 220 pounds and you want to lose ten pounds of that stored energy in a week, you need to burn 35,000 calories in a week. You can see why some people say it is thus unhealthy to lose ten pounds in a week. Since that person's calorie intake at 220 pounds is only 17,080 for the week. So you are burning over half of your calorie intake for the whole week. Every one pound of fat lost is 3,500 calories.
Step three is two drink more water and take multivitamins. If you are losing ten pounds in a week you need to stay hydrated to curb hunger pains and to eat less. You also need to take multivitamins so you are getting some of your vitamins back from eating less. And if you are also exercising quite a bit it is important to keep from getting dehydrated. In order to burn a lot of calories you will need to do aerobic exercises which get your heart rate up and raises your metabolism.