Hypnotherapy to Lose Weight
Food Issues
Many people who struggle with their weight have eating habits that are responsible for their repeated weight gain. A weight loss hypnotherapist will work to replace those poor eating habits with the desire to adopt better ones.
For example, the desire to eat smaller portions and opt for healthier food will be suggested to the patient while they are under hypnosis and much more susceptible to suggestion. And after much repetition, hypnotherapists claim that the new healthy desires will replace the old unhealthy ones and lead to a lifetime of healthy eating habits that will lead to natural, healthy weight loss over time.
Self Esteem
Struggle with weight loss is often a struggle with self esteem. Patients feel that they will feel good about themselves once they begin to lose weight. However, the more common truth is that feeling good about oneself leads to a healthier lifestyle.
Weight-loss hypnotherapists will often work with their patients to implant a new, more positive self image, reduce the stress associated with weight loss, and help the patient to visualize their future, thinner selves. And by improving self esteem, many hypnotherapists claim to increase the likelihood of long-term weight loss.
How to Start Hypnotherapy to Lose Weight
Look in your local phone book to find a hypnotherapist near you. But before deciding on a hypnotherapy clinic, be sure to ask the right questions: What are the qualifications of the hypnotherapist? Do they have experience with weight loss? Do they have references or testimonials? How much will your hypnotherapy cost per session and how many sessions will you need?
If there are no hypnotherapy clinics near you, or you are looking for a more cost effective option, consider purchasing hypnotherapy sessions recorded on CD or mp3.
Companies like www.hypnosisworks.org offer online mp3s that you can download to get started on your weight loss journey. Download-able sessions offer specific topics such as "think thin", "boredom eating", "banish fast food" and others tailored to address specific weight loss issues.