Fast, Natural Ways to Lose Weight
The fastest way to drop a few pounds from the start of any weight loss program is to start drinking adequate amounts of water. By increasing your fluid intake, you feel fuller longer, and help shed excess wastes from the body. To see a several-pound drop in weight in less than a week, try drinking up to a gallon of water a day. You may have to make constant trips to the restroom for the first couple of days, but your body will get used to the intake and you'll lose excess bloat. Don't drink more than that, as too much water can overtax your kidneys. Try to stick to between 64 ounces and 1 gallon of water every day.
Increase exercise
The harder your body works, the more calories it burns. To lose weight, you have to burn off more calories than you're ingesting. To quickly drop pounds, and inches, add cardio and weightlifting to your daily exercise. This doesn't mean you have to benchpress 100 pounds, but engage in exercise that utilizes dumbbells 5, 8 and 10 or more pounds, and 3- to 5-pound ankle weights to burn fat and increase lean muscle mass.
Incorporate a cardio workout (walking, jogging, tennis, bicycling, kickboxing, step aerobics) three to four days a week into your exercise routines, with a day off in between. The same goes for the weight-lifting or weight-bearing exercises. Give major muscle groups at least two days of rest and give yourself one or two days a week off, or do Yoga or Pilates for those "down days."
Depending on your size and weight-loss goals, limit your calorie intake. Don't dip below 1200 to 1500 calories a day. Eat foods that are good for you, such as fruits and vegetables, and not high in fat or sugar. The daily diet should not contain more than 7% fat, according to the Mayo Clinic. Beans, dark green leafy vegetables and whole wheat foods are recommended by the American Heart Association for optimal nutrition and heart health.