Top Ten Best Crash Diets
Typically, a crash diet rewards a dieter with rapid weight loss within a short time. While crash diets result in quick weight loss, the downside includes restrictions in calories and nutrition for a short period.
Time Frame
While a typical weight loss diet is normally followed over an extended period of time, you should follow a crash diet for only a few days.
Types of Crash Diets
Some of the top crash diets are the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Three Day Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Metabolism Diet, the Scaresdale Diet, SlimFast, the 7 Day Diet, the Chicken Soup Diet and the Lemonade Diet.
Features of the Crash Diets
All the crash diets involve an extreme amount of discipline with a promise of quick weight loss (7 to 10 lbs.) within a few days.
Fun Fact
Singer and actress Beyonce Knowles used the Lemonade Diet to lose 20 pounds for her role in the Oscar Award-winning film, "Dreamgirls."
It is always important to visit a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.