Quickest Way to Lose Fat
Regular Exercise
The best way to lose fat is through regular cardio and strength training exercise. Burn calories with a 45-minute cardio routine you conduct at least three to four times a week. Slash fat when you build muscle tissue by doing up to 60 minutes of strength training at least three times per week.
Cardio training is when you remain in constant motion for a duration of time. Examples of cardio exercises include running, swimming, walking, cycling, rowing, elliptical training, aerobic dance and kickboxing. A 45-minute-long cardio workout can burn up to 300 calories, depending upon how fast and how far you go.
Strength training burns both calories and fat. Muscle tissue is a natural fat burner. Every pound of muscle burns approximately 35 calories per day---even while resting. Build muscle tissue and your body will continue to burn fat and calories hours after your workout. You don't need expensive gym equipment or a gym membership to be successful with strength training. Lift free weights at home, try yoga or Pilates or try boot-camp training with a friend. Do your workout with a top trainer by purchasing a strength training workout such as Tony Horton's PX90, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or Jackie Warner's Workout DVD. Another resource is The Body Sculpting Bible for Men (and one for women) by James Villepigue and Hugo Rivera.
Interval Training
The best way to get the biggest bang for your workout buck is to integrate interval training into your daily routine. You'll burn more fat and calories doing short bursts of energy during both cardio and strength training routines.
Interval-train at least three days during the week for both cardio and strength training routines to burn the most fat. For cardio interval training, increase your speed and intensity for a short period of time during your steady pace. For example, if you are running, shoot to kick up your speed for approximately one minute, and then drop down to your steady pace for three minutes. Speed back up again for another minute, then drop down for three more minutes. Alter and lengthen the amount of speed time as you continue to train for maximum calorie-burning benefits.
Strength interval training could include combining cardio and strength or implementing plyometric training. Plyometric training, or jump training, is when you integrate short bursts of jumping into your workout. Examples include jump squats, in which you get into a squat position and then blast out of your squat, jumping as high as you can. Come down into the squat position, and repeat for 30 seconds.
Combining strength and cardio could be grabbing a set of weights and doing weighted jumping jacks, punches and running in place.
Reduce Your Calories
Burn calories fast by drastically cutting your daily food intake and tossing the junk food. Eating healthy food is a critical part of losing weight because sugary processed foods add more fat to our bodies.
Calculate the number of calories you'll need to shed the weight. Take your desired weight and multiply this number by 11 if you are a woman and 12 if you are a man. Subtract 2 for every 10 years after age 20, and add 10 percent to arrive at your daily caloric intake number.
Ensure that every calorie you eat on your new diet is packed with nutrients, low in sugar, high in fiber and low in fat. Sugar is one of the biggest culprits of weight-gain, and you should avoid anything that contains more than 9 grams of sugar per serving.
Good foods to eat are raw or cooked vegetables, lean meat such as skinless chicken and fish, nuts, low-fat dairy, fruit, whole-wheat bread, pasta and legumes.