The Best Fruit Diet
Starting a Fruit Diet
For the first three days, dieters should eat as much fruit as they desire. At the end of the day you should drink two tall glasses of vegetable juice with a tablespoon of olive oil mixed in. Eating as much as you want will help stop the temptation to quit, which is strongest in the beginning. It is better to eat more during these times than to quit so that you will push through the rest of the diet.
Also, make sure to chew your fruit as slowly as possible. It takes longer for your body to feel full when eating water-based foods than things like meat, cheese and grains.
Never mix fresh and dried fruits in the same meal. Your digestive system will have a hard time digesting both in the same sitting and you might do more harm than good to your body.
Eat at least four meals a day, preferably five. Your digestive system isn't designed to take in pounds and pounds of fruit at a time. The acidity is too much, and all the water can make your metabolism slow down considerably.
Nutritionist Jay Robb's Fruit Flush Diet
Created by nutritionist Jay Robb, the Fruit Flush Diet is a diet that reportedly helps dieters lose up to 10 pounds in three days. It requires only two steps: On the first day, the user drinks protein shakes for each meal. Then it's two days of eating a serving of fresh fruit every 2 hours. For dinner each night, it's raw vegetables and lean protein. This way, muscle is not sacrificed for the sake of losing weight since it is muscle that is going to burn weight the fastest and most effectively and healthily.
It is a diet that provides up to 1,000 calories of day but that speeds up muscle growth and the metabolism's activity so that those calories are burned easily.
Also, Robb suggests carrying water with you as every time you eat something you need to drink as much water as you can.
Apart from fruit, raw vegetables, protein drinks, chicken and fish, there is very little else you can eat on the diet. Common foods and drinks such as dairy products, coffee, tea, diet and regular sodas, breads, potatoes, vegetables that are cooked and all sweets are prohibited.