How Many Calories Are Burned While Sitting?
The more you weigh, the more calories you will burn. While a 150 lb. woman will burn about 36 calories sitting for 30 minutes, a 200 lb. woman will burn about 48.
Men typically burn more calories than women since muscle burns more calories than fat, and men typically have more muscle mass than women. A sedentary 200 lb. man will burn about 2,230 calories per day, whereas a sedentary 200 lb. woman will burn about 2,030 calories.
Day-to-Day Activities
A 150 lb. woman who drives for 30 minutes will burn about 72 calories. That same woman will burn about 90 calories while cooking during the same duration.
Moderate Activities
Moderate activities are great for beginners or those seeking a break from their regular routine. A 150 lb. woman who bikes at a leisurely pace for 30 minutes will burn about 135 calories.
Vigorous Activities
Vigorous activities are high calorie burners that challenge your cardiovascular system and reduce your risk of getting diabetes and other conditions. A 150 lb. woman who bikes vigorously for 30 minutes will burn about 386 calories.