1500 Calorie Diet Plan
Foods to Eat
Make your 1,500-calorie diet plan a success by keeping junk food and processed baked goods away. The less temptation at home, the greater your chance of weight loss. Hit the grocery store and replace the junk food with a variety of fruits and vegetables, unsalted nuts, low-fat yogurt, cheese and milk, as well as fish, skinless chicken and turkey.
Remove alcohol, sugary juices and both diet and regular soda. Your main source for hydration should be water. You can also have a low-calorie drink such as Crystal Light or green tea and one or two cups of coffee in the morning.
Portion Sizes and Meals
Counting calories and keeping portions small is vital to adhering to a 1,500-calorie diet. Keep track of your meals and calories by maintaining a weight loss journal. Write down everything you eat, how much you eat and how many calories you've consumed throughout the day. Aim to eat six small meals consisting of 200 to 300 calories each. Eating small meals every two to three hours keeps your stomach full and helps avoid dropping blood sugar glucose levels, which can make you more ravenous and overeat.
Your goal is to get a mix of 30 percent fats, 40 percent proteins and 30 percent carbs throughout the day. Fats should come from plant-based foods such as avocado, olives and olive oil. Protein sources include skinless, boneless chicken breasts; fish; skinless, boneless turkey; and legumes. Carbs include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole wheat pasta, couscous and whole grain bread.
1500 Diet Menu
Dieting doesn't have to be boring. You have plenty of food options on a 1,500-calorie diet. For breakfast, have a teaspoon of natural peanut butter on whole wheat, low-calorie bread. Your morning snack could be a small low-fat yogurt topped with a teaspoon of ground flaxseeds.
For lunch, have three ounces of grilled mahi mahi and two cups of steamed vegetables, along with a small salad topped with a teaspoon of olive oil and vinegar. Your next snack could be a small apple with a teaspoon of natural peanut butter.
Dinner could be a chef salad consisting of two cups of lettuce or spinach, two diced hardboiled eggs, one slice of low-fat turkey, one slice of low-fat chicken, two slices of low-fat mozzarella, half of a tomato, and ¼ cup of sunflower seeds. Season it with a dash of sea salt, one teaspoon of olive oil and vinegar or a squirt of lemon.
Your last snack of the day should be consumed at least two to three hours before bedtime. Have one piece of low-fat string cheese and 10 reduced fat Wheat Thins or, for something sweet, a sugar-free fudge pop or hot chocolate.