Crash Diet Weight Loss
Salad and Fruit Diet
One way to lose weight quickly is to follow a diet consisting solely of salads and fruit. This diet not only cuts calories but is healthy and allows you to eat as much as you would like. A sample meal plan may consist of an apple and orange for breakfast with a salad for lunch and dinner. Salads could be topped with tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and broccoli. You will need to take care to use low-fat, light dressings, and avoid cheeses, croutons and olives--all of which are packed with unneeded calories and fat. Berries, watermelon and even bananas could be added for in-between meal snacks.
Carb- and Starch-Free Diet
You don't necessarily have to be on a high-protein diet to cut way back on carbohydrates. All you need is to avoid processed foods such as cereal, potatoes, bagels, frozen pizza or pocket sandwiches, to name a few. Replacing them with baked or broiled fishes and raw or roasted vegetables will help trim your waistline considerably, and do it fast.
Sugar-Free Drink Diet
Eliminating sugary drinks such as soda pops and fruit juices alone isn't likely to help you lose a lot of weight quickly, but it can help you lose at least a little pretty fast. All are packed with calories and worse, aren't even filling. Cutting out these types of beverages--along with alcohol and sports drinks--and replacing them with plain water will provide you with extra energy to exercise and possibly eliminate 800 to 1,600 calories (or more) per week.
More Meal Diet
Most dietitians suggest the best diet is one that consists of eating five smaller meals throughout the day, as opposed to one gigantic meal later in the evening. Yes, you can shed pounds quickly by lifting your utensils more often, provided you stick to small portions and plan your meals. For instance, on this plan, your menu may consist of yogurt for breakfast, healthy low-fat nuts or fruit for a snack, followed by a light salad for lunch. After another healthy snack, dinner may consist of broiled chicken, carrots and peas.
Liquit Diet
Drinking your lunch may be the quickest way to lose weight of all, but these types of diets should be used sparingly and under the supervision of a doctor. The best type of liquid diet, of course, is one that is high in nutrients and low in sugar, calories and fat. Using a fruit and vegetable juicer is one way to partake of a liquid diet, as is drinking healthy protein or meal replacement shakes.