Homeopathic Medicines for Weight Loss
Homeopathic medicines are called remedies and are most frequently taken as small round pills called pellets, which are allowed to dissolve under the tongue. They are available in different strengths, called potencies, and as individual or combination remedies. Homeopathic medicines are safe to use along with other medications, although you should discuss any remedies or medications you are taking with your health care provider. Homeopathic medicines for weight loss focus on stimulating the metabolism so that you burn more energy, addressing digestive complaints and improving elimination. Homeopathic medicines can also address the emotional issues that may lead to poor food choices. In fact, homeopathic medicines are unique among weight-loss products as they address the emotional and mental components of the problem.
People overeat for a variety of reasons and in a variety of situations. If you find that you are excitable and nervous, and eating calms you down, you are a candidate for Coffea cruda; use one 12X or 6C potency dose three times a day for no more than three days. If you eat to allay feelings of tension, nervousness, fear or anxiety, one dose of 30X or 9C Ignatia can be taken each morning and repeated in the afternoon, for no more than five days. If repressed anger lies behind your overeating, you can use one dose of 30X or 9C Staphysagria in the morning and late afternoon for up to five days; this remedy is especially helpful for people whose weight issues are complicated by abusive or oppressive relationships. If you crave sweets, try Argentum nitricum; typical dosage is one pellet of 30X or 9C potency, twice each day for a maximum of one week. Lycopodium is also effective for cravings for sweets; take one dose of 30C potency pellets.
Physical Symptoms
Some weight issues present with distinctive physical characteristics as well. If you have problems keeping your appetite under control, Calcarea carbonica might be the right remedy for you. People who respond well to Calcarea carbonica find eating calms their nerves. They also have problems with indigestion, and may have cravings for eggs and hot foods. The usual dose of this remedy is three daily doses of 12X or 6C potency for a maximum of one week as you are beginning a new eating plan. If you respond with irritation when someone warns you against eating too much, or makes comments about your food intake, then Antimonium crudum may be the right remedy for you. You may also have a coated tongue and have frequent diarrhea and burping. The usual dose of this remedy is a morning and late afternoon dose of the 30X or 7C potency taken for a maximum of five days.