Prescription Weight-Loss Patch
Despite the abundance of over-the-counter weight loss patches, numerous studies conducted by the Federal Drug Administration on different weight loss patches have proven that the weight loss patch promises are nothing other than scams. Many of the weight loss patches the FDA studied where created by companies that made false claims that the weight loss patches were previously studied and approved by the FDA.
Placebo Effect
Although proven not to actually provide weight loss results, weight loss patches may still have an effect on persons who have never been enlightened to the scam. Placebos tend to have a positive effect on many hypochondriacs and placebo weight loss patches may be effective in instituting healthy eating habits and exercise, ultimately leading to weight loss.
Recommendations for Use
Before using a weight loss patch, a person should consult with a doctor or pharmacist, despite the fact that weight loss patches are nonprescription patches. Some ingredients in weight loss patches may interact with other medications that the wearer may be taking. Weight loss patches may contain ingredients that raise the heart rate, so persons with heart problems or women who could be pregnant should not use weight loss patches until such conditions can be investigated or remedied.
Weight loss pills, both prescription and over-the-counter, have better results than weight loss patches. Weight loss pills such as Hydroxycut and Xenaphrine, are examples of over-the-counter weight loss pills; Adiphex is an example of a prescription weight loss drug. Newer weight loss miracle drugs are being provided in alternate forms; such as the Slim Quick weight loss shots, tiny servings of liquid weight loss supplements and drugs.
Side Effects
In addition to elevated heart rate, various weight loss drugs, including the weight loss patch, also have numerous other side effects. Weight loss drugs have the tendency to cause diarrhea and otherwise irritated bowels, stomach and intestinal pain, and shakiness. Allergic reactions such as swelling of the face, lips, throat, and esophagus, and rashes may occur when using a weight loss patch or weight loss drug. Addiction to the weight loss patch or drug may also occur as a side effect.