Weight Loss Tips for Quick Weight Loss
Take a break from alcohol
While research does show that a glass of red wine can help your heart, it can also add a few extra calories you were not counting on. A glass of red wine can add more than 100 calories to your daily intake and when you are trying to watch your weight, that glass of wine at dinner may hinder your progress.
Beers may cause bloating and certain types of alcohol can contain up to 120 calories per shot. The same can be said for soda. Limit your intake and try to replace with water. It may be tempting to have a drink or two with dinner or at a party but to shed those few unwanted pounds, don't drink and diet
Keep up the cardio
Many people think they will lose weight just by limiting their diet. You also need to work out to keep the weight off, tone up and to continue to shed pounds. Exercise is an integral part of weight loss and when done on a regular basis it will help speed up your metabolism, allowing your body to burn more calories. Keep in mind that you should maintain a well-balanced diet to ensure that your body has calories to burn. Many health websites offer online quizzes to help determine how many calories you should burn daily.
Say yes to wheat, no to white
In order to shed a few pounds in a short time, try saying no to the "whites" such as sugar, white rice and white bread. If you eat sugar, your body will in turn crave more sugar.
Also, foods like white rice and white bread are less likely than whole wheat to help you lose weight. In addition, be sure to check labels on wheat bread to ensure there is no high fructose corn syrup (sugar) or enriched or bleached flour (white flour changed to wheat). Whole wheat is higher in fiber, a well known dietary aid, therefore, not only will this save your waistline but some research shows that switching from white to wheat can lower your risk for heart disease.
As for rice, all rice starts out brown and only becomes white after an extreme process that all takes out most of the nutrients. When it comes to foods that are good for weight loss and the waist line, brown is better.