Healthy Diets for Obese Women
Obesity is measured by your body mass index. If you body mass index is between 25 and 29.9 then you are overweight. Anything higher means that you are obese. Go to the link in the References to calculate your BMI score. Women have more body fat than men, because they produce an enzyme that stores the fat in the abdomen in order to protect reproductive organs. When you are dieting be sure to look for recommended body mass index, caloric intake and body fat numbers that are for specifically for women.
Fad Diets
Reducing your caloric intake is the best way to lose weight. Many women jump on the latest fad diet bandwagon only to become disappointed and gain weight. Usually, during the first couple of days or weeks of low-carbohydrate diets, people lose water weight and think it's fat. Unfortunately, as soon as you resume eating any carbohydrates you will begin to put that weight back on. Another deterrent comes when people begin vigorous exercise routines and find themselves ravenous by the end of the day. This leads to binging, which leads to guilt. Obesity also puts a lot of stress on your joints and back, so be careful when you first start an exercise program.The best way to lose weight is to count calories, eat well-rounded meals, drink enough water and exercise in moderation.
Healthy Diets
Eat meals that have lots of vegetables, high fiber, whole grains, lean proteins and fruits. Start a food journal and record everything you eat. Count up all the calories in a typical day and begin to reduce those calories by 100 each week until you're eating around 1,200 calories. Your first target weight loss for obesity should be 10% of your body mass index within the first six of months. A healthy goal is a half a pound to 2 pounds a week.
Make fiber your best friend. Fiber is a great way to prevent hunger pangs and keep you full longer. Great options include brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, wheat bread, broccoli, legumes and spinach. Pair these foods with an array of vegetables and proteins such as tofu, fish, shellfish, skinless chicken and turkey. Get your daily allotment of calcium by eating low-calorie dairy such as feta and goat cheese. Experiment with different recipes and plan out your daily meal schedule. You should eat five small meals a day to keep up your metabolism and prevent blood sugar fluctuations. Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water a day to flush out toxins. Studies have found that the brain can confuse messages of dehydration for hunger. Drink a glass of water before you eat.
Healthy Meals
Breakfast sets the tone for your day. Start it off right by eating a breakfast of egg white omelets, buckwheat pancakes, peanut butter on whole-wheat toast or tofu scramble. Avoid lunchtime fast-food temptation by eating soups without creams, salads without fattening dressings, and sandwiches void of mayonnaise or deli meats. End your day on the right note with steamed fish, whole-wheat spaghetti, turkey and brown rice, or shrimp skewers and whole-wheat couscous. In the beginning, your diet is not going to seem very fun, but it will make your body feel better. To avoid falling off the wagon, set one day a week aside to eat whatever you want. This will keep you from binging and completely leaving your diet. If you do binge, start fresh your next meal. Losing weight is more than a quick diet plan. It's a new beginning to leading a healthier life.