How to Lose Weight Lifting Weight
To lose weight lifting weight you must be willing to learn how weight training works. It's simple, but you have to get rid of the thinking that lifting weight only causes you to gain weight. This is not true by any means. In fact, it can do the opposite.
Understand that when you want to lose weight lifting weight you need to use light to medium weight, do more sets and reps and consume fewer calories. Metabolism is also a factor, but we'll get to that later.
Know that weight training is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. This is true because of how much more fat and calories are burned by the muscle you gain. This is why more women need to get off the cardio machines and get into the weight room!
This is not to say that cardio isn't important, it is, but you can do cardio with weights, its called circuit weight training. It's also known in body building circles as super setting. Body builders use this technique to create intensity and get cuts or definition as well as up their metabolism.
To super set means no rest between sets. Beginners need to start easy and do two sets and rest, then three, then five and so forth. The goal is to intensify the work out and challenge the body. As a result, you begin to lose weight lifting weight, which after all, is the goal.
Be consistent, you will gain muscle and lose weight as long as you're consistent and keep calories in check. This means 2-3 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Work your way up to 60 minutes or longer. Keep in mind, muscles need 24-48 hours of rest to develop and grow. Without proper rest you can over train.
Give it time to work, fast weight loss isn't safe and usually comes right back. Safe weight loss when you lose weight lifting is about two pounds a week. Slow and steady wins the race!
Educate yourself on proper weight lifting form, warm ups and stretching. These are all very important factors and must be done correctly to achieve optimal results and avoid injury. For more information on routines and diet see resources below.