Kosher Weight Loss Camp
There are two main types of kosher weight loss camps: the traditional weight loss camp and a spa. The traditional camp lets campers sleep in bunk houses or cabins, where they share space with others following a kosher diet. Those staying at a spa are often treated to more luxurious surroundings and have more offerings outside of diet and exercise, such as massages and other traditional spa treatments, including manicures and pedicures.
Before booking a trip to a kosher weight loss camp, the individual should consider his own budget, as these camps are fairly expensive. A one-week stay at a camp can easily reach $500 or more based on 2009 prices, and the price rises based on the length of the program. It's also important for the individual to look at her own life and what she wants to gain from camp, be it things she can do at home or just a fast way to lose weight.
Those looking for a kosher weight loss camp shouldn't disregard the regular weight loss camps. Some of these camps offer kosher meal plans and other amenities for those following the Jewish faith, but they don't advertise those items. Guests who are interested in losing weight can talk directly to the weight loss camp and inquire about kosher meals. In some cases, the camp may be willing to make allowances and offer kosher foods if the guest requests it in advance.
Kosher weight loss camps function in the same way as other weight loss camps: by putting the emphasis on healthy eating. These camps also focus on teaching guests how to burn more calories than they eat in a given day, while also offering kosher foods for Jewish residents. Guests eat small meals and snacks throughout the day, but then engage in different activities to burn calories, including workouts in the gym and more fun activities like hiking and water sports.
The biggest benefit associated with attending one of these camps is the chance to lose weight around other people with similar interests and backgrounds. Jewish people who attend regular weight loss camps with those of different faiths are faced with obstacles, including finding things they can eat at the different meals. These guests also learn how to make the appropriate food choices when they go home, including how to pick the right foods at family gatherings, where the offerings are traditionally loaded with fat and calories.