How to Keep Losing Weight After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Things You'll Need
- Pedometer
- Journal
- Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVDS
Healthy Weight Loss Guidelines!
Write a journal of everything you eat and how much you exercise for the day. You want to write down what you ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner and any snacks you had. Put down how many calories you had for each meal. The goal is to eat no more then 1,500 calories in a day.
Put your pedometer on when you first wake up. You want to monitor the amount of steps you are walking in a day and how many calories you are burning. Making sure you are keeping active throughout the day helps you continue to lose weight. You want to walk between 5,000 to 10,000 steps each day.
Eat a small healthy breakfast. The meal should consist of a breakfast lean pocket or 2 slices of toast and eggs with some fruits. Watching the amount of calories you have for breakfast is important. We suggest having no more then 400 calories for breakfast. Drink an ice cold glass of water with breakfast.
Exercise 30 minutes after breakfast. Working out inside your house is a good way to get in your 30 minutes of exercise. Walking on a treadmill or using a workout program like Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone or Richard Simmons exercise DVDs can help you burn calories and fat.
Make a healthy lunch to eat. Lunch should consist of 1 small serving of meat, like a piece of baked chicken and vegetables. Tuna fish with crackers or a ham sandwich with yogurt or some type of fruit. Lunch she consist of no more then 500 calories. Drink a glass of water and some tea or apple juice.
Fix dinner around 6 p.m. and eat it. Dinner should be your heaviest meal consisting of a hot meal. The meal should consist of a baked pork chop with mixed vegetables and a roll. You want to have a balanced meal consisting of all the food groups. Dinner should be no more then 550 calories. We suggest eating fruits and yogurt for a snack. Don't drink any sodas or eat desserts like cakes and pies. You should drink tea or apple juice with your meal. Don't eat anything else after 7 p.m.
Walk for 30 minutes outside. You can walk around the block or walk on the track, but go outside for 30 minutes and get some exercise. Walking in a fast pace helps you burn more calories, but take your time and don't push yourself.
Get your journal and finish writing down everything you accomplished for the day. You should write how many steps you walked and calories you burned according to the pedometer. Writing down how much you eat and exercise keeps you motivated and ready to continue your weight-loss goals.
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