One Week Weight Loss Camps
One-week weight loss camps are designed to help people lose as much weight as possible during their short stay at the camp. This means individuals spend a large amount of time working out, while eating only a fraction of the calories they would at home. The typically day at the camp involves working out in the morning and afternoon, eating low calorie meals and attending workshops or sessions where they learn better eating habits.
While there are many satisfied customers using one-week weight loss camps, there are other customers unhappy with their stay. Not everyone who stays at these camps loses a large amount of weight, and it’s possible for guests to leave weighing the same amount as they did when they started. Another disadvantage is that many people lose only their water weight, which they gain back in the first few days or weeks after leaving the camp.
Mountain Trek
Mountain Trek claims that individuals lose an average of 5.7 pounds for women and nine pounds for men in a week-long session. The program at Mountain Trek focuses on not just losing weight, but rejuvenating the spirit at the same time. Guests spend three to five hours hiking every day, take fitness classes and attend yoga in the mornings. The days are highly rigid, without a lot of room for flexibility, and most of the hours are planned out and scheduled in advance.
Wellspring is one of the most well known weight loss camps in the world because they have locations across the United States including California and Florida as well as some in foreign territories like Canada. The camps offer weight loss programs for kids under the age of 16 and for adults. Sessions run for a period of time up to eight weeks, but sessions of only one week are also available. Campers lose up to ten pounds during the week long session.
Fit Path
Fit Path claims that guests in their program lose an average of one pound per day when following their plan and program carefully. The program is limited to just 14 participants in every week long session and the program is divided into different groups based on fitness or activity level. In addition to the physical exercise required, guests also follow a strict diet plan, which lets them eat 900-1200 calories every day based on the amount of weight they need to lose.