Does Running Reduce Belly Fat?
One common theory of people is that running alone is sufficient in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While it is true that running is better than walking or remaining sedentary, it is not the singular answer. Running is an excellent cardiovascular exercise, but it is not a perfect and all-inclusive exercise. Running will not tone your upper body. Furthermore, you cannot eat poorly and expect to maintain a healthy weight, even if you run several miles a day. If your goal is to lose weight, running is an excellent addition to your workout routine.
Before you hit the street or the trail, there are a few things to consider. The first is the incorporation of a healthier diet into your lifestyle, and the other is combining your cardiovascular exercise with some strength training. The overall goal is to take in fuel that your body can burn, and to train your body to efficiently use that fuel. First you must use your body's reserve energy (body fat). To effectively burn fat on a regular basis, you must be sure to create a calorie deficit every day. A calorie deficit occurs when a person uses more calories in a single day than he has consumed. Running will help create a calorie deficit, but building muscle mass through strength training will make it easier to maintain. Additionally, calories from poor food sources (fast food, sweets) will inhibit this process.
In addition to looking better, removing excess body fat, especially from your abdominal section, will help you to feel better on a regular basis. A leaner, stronger mid-section will also help you run faster and with less effort. In fact, almost every activity and exercise will seem to take less effort as your waistline recedes. There is also a significant benefit to your overall health as many chronic and fatal diseases have been linked to excess abdominal fat.
Just as running alone will not melt away stomach fat, spot training does not work. You could perform one hundred crunches every night and not see your desired results. Additionally, there is no magic pill, natural herb, miracle fruit or piece of workout equipment that will deliver instantaneous "six-pack" abdominal muscles. Only a long term commitment to an exercise and diet routine will provide such results, and even then it will take some time. The key with any fitness routine is to stay the course and challenge yourself. You will see results faster if you push yourself harder on a regular basis.
It is important to consult a physician before beginning any exercise routine. A sudden spike in activity can be harmful, so always ease into any exercise that you do not perform regularly. Stretch before and after you run or strength train. Hydrate properly and stop immediately if you begin to feel light-headed or otherwise adversely affected by a particular exercise.