How to Lose Flabby Arms
Do cardio for at least 30 minutes at least 3 times a week.
It's good for your health and the extra exercise will contribute to an overall caloric burn that will likely show up in the form of a loss of arm fat, as well as the burning of fat from your entire body.
Do pushups.
Pushups help firm the arms and chest and are one of your best weapons against flabby arms. Try and do at least 3 sets of 15 repetitions of pushups, every other day.
Do triceps extensions.
Triceps extensions fight that stubborn arm fat right underneath your biceps. You can work your triceps by doing a dip off of the edge of a chair, or by extending weights over your head by bending just at the elbow. These should be done several times a week as part of a strength training regime to get rid of body and arm fat.
Do arm circles.
To target the entire flabby arm, extend both arms straight out, parallel to the ground. Make small circle movements; 1 minute in one direction, and then 1 minute in the other. If you can, do them with 2-3 pound weights in each hand.