Simple Weight Loss Program
Set realistic goals
Weight loss is simply a matter of calories in versus calories out. If you burn off more calories than you eat and drink, you will lose weight. Your body doesn't like too much of a change, though. According to the National Institutes of Health, the easiest way to lose and keep off weight is to do it slowly. Plan on losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. If you have a lot of weight to lose, this may seem frustrating, but this is the easiest way in the long run to keep the weight off.
Make a plan
Make a simple plan for what you are going to do on a week-by-week basis. Using available materials, figure out how much to eat every day. Plan on healthy servings of protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables and fats. If you don't know what a healthy serving is, or how many to eat, the NIH has suggested amounts for sustainable weight loss. Make a chart or menu, put it somewhere visible, and refer to it every day.
Your menu
Find out a healthy amount of food for your own personal weight loss, and eat that every day. Plan out your meals in advance, and stick to your plan. Eat three meals and two or three snacks every day, but keep within your allotted calorie count. Don't forget to put some treats in your menu, as you don't want to feel deprived.
Drink your water
Drinking water is an important part of your diet. Most people simply don't drink enough water on a daily basis. Plan on drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. If you're not used to drinking water regularly, use water flavor packets or lemon wedges to help you get the water down. Get a special mug or glass for your water, and use it to remind you to drink all day.
Move your body
Exercise is a vital part of any weight-loss program. Don't plan on joining a gym if you don't want to. Exercise is simply a matter of moving your body. Take a walk with your kids or dog. Rollerblade. Take the stairs in a tall building. Throw the Frisbee or go kayaking. Play basketball or softball. Do whatever you like to do in order to get your body moving, and do it as often as you can.