Turkey for Weight Loss
Turkey is part of many weight-loss diets, including the abs diet, Atkins, South Beach Diet, and standard low-carb and low-fat diets.
"Good" Fats
While the concept that some fats are actually good for you may be difficult to digest, your body needs certain types of fat, such as the ones found in turkey and other white lean meats. These fats help deliver vitamins throughout the body and aid in the production of testosterone, which facilitates muscle production, and raises your metabolic rate. These good fats do not clog arteries and are not associated with heart disease.
Turkey is rich in protein, which makes it easier to eat less while feeling satisfied. Protein promotes the building of muscle, which helps boost metabolism.
Leucine is an amino acid found in the protein in turkey and other lean meats.
This amino acid plays an important role in blood-sugar levels and insulin function. It helps you feel full on smaller amounts of food. It also helps your muscles use glucose that would otherwise be stored as fat.