Tips on Losing Weight for Men
Eat Soon; Eat Often
Skipping breakfast is making you fat. So is skipping meals or eating too few calories during the day only to turn around and eat a heavy dinner followed by dessert.
Eat breakfast every morning to lose the maximum amount of weight. Skip the pancakes, donuts and muffins. Instead fill your morning with food like eggs, steel cut oatmeal, fruit, whole wheat toast and yogurt. Include approximately 300 to 400 calories per meal in addition to 100- to 150-calorie snacks between meals.
Other items to keep on hand include protein powder, skim milk, lean meats, fish, nuts, fresh and frozen vegetables, fruit and olive oil. Throw away anything processed or loaded with sugar such as chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt, sugar cereals, cookies, cakes and candy.
Aim to eat every two to three hours during the day. It may take a bit of work, but is worth it to maintain your insulin levels and not experience peaks or dives.
Combine Cardio and Weight Training
Move your body at least four to six times a day every week for a maximum of 60 minutes. Even a hardcore power 20-minute workout can be considered a daily workout, but make sure you have elevated your heart rate.
Cycle your workouts so that you train muscle groups one day and cardio the next. Find a routine you enjoy and stick with it for two to three weeks. Your body will get accustomed to the workout by that time so you'll need to change it and embark upon a new routine for the following two to three weeks.
By mixing up your workout days and training cycles, you'll create muscle confusion which ultimately breaks down the muscle tissue faster, getting you leaner in a shorter period of time.
Good cardio workouts include running, biking, swimming, elliptical training and rowing. Hit the gym for a solid weight routine using machines or free weights. You could also integrate a hardcore weight training program at home using a DVD.
Stay Focused
Now that you see the scale dropping and your muscles popping you'll want to maintain your new, hot body.
Make the eating and working out plan your new lifestyle. Understand that the minute the treadmill grows cobwebs and the chip bag finds it's way back into the cupboard you'll be back at square one.
Maintain your body by staying with healthy eating, but don't deprive yourself. Allow yourself to have the occasional beer or ice cream cone but only every now and then. Your home should be filled with nothing but healthy, unprocessed foods and your resolve to working out strong.