Safe, Quick, Weight Loss Diet
What is Safe?
Although weight loss can occur quickly in the beginning phases of a diet, it's generally not recommended for the dieter to lose more than 2 lbs. per week.
There are 3,500 calories in 1 lb. So a reduction of 500 calories per day would result in losing 1 lb. per week, and a reduction of 1,000 calories would result in a loss of 2 lbs. per week.
What to Eat
To lose weight, less than 30 percent of all calories consumed should come from fat. To accomplish this, the dieter should increase consumption of fruits and vegetables while reducing intake of sweets. Also, lean meat such as skinless chicken or fish should be eaten in place of red meat.
Drinking water can help speed the weight loss process, because it can create the feeling of fullness. The colder the water is, the more calories the body burns by heating it up.
Some signs that weight loss may be occurring too quickly can include the thinning of hair, feeling ill more often, and feeling cold. These could indicate that the body is not getting proper nutrients due to dieting too quickly and/or not eating the right foods.