How to Lose Lower Body Fat
To lose lower body fat know right up front the odds are against you. Most people who try to lose weight are not successful. Successful weight loss means it stays off. Losing 10 pounds and gaining it back is not success. However, if you're consistent and committed success will be yours.
Start by educating yourself on calories, carbohydrates, fats, salt, protein, exercise, and metabolism. All the info you need is right here online. If you don't know what you're dealing with you can't conquer it.
Give it time; too many people want to lose weight fast. When you lose weight fast it usually comes right back. This is because it must be a lifestyle change not something you do for a few weeks or months. Diet pills and fad diets can cause serious health problems and seldom result in permanent weight loss. This means lower body fat will come back!
Keep a food diary of all you eat and drink. This way you're held accountable and keeping track of calories. Calorie control is a MUST! When you eat fewer calories than you need you lose weight, it's that simple. Calculate daily calories required and start reducing them. A calorie calculator is a great tool to use for this.
Reduce calories a little at a time, so that the body has time to adjust. Cut 100-200 calories a day until you reach 500 less than your maintenance level! You will safely lose 1-2 pounds a week just by doing this. A balanced diet of carbs, proteins and fats is best. Dietary guidelines are as follows: fat 20-30%, protein 10-20% and carbs 45-55%.
Eat smaller meals 5-6 times a day instead of 3 large ones. This helps speed up metabolism, keeps hunger at bay and supplies nutrients on a consistent basis.
Exercise promotes quicker weight loss results. Yes, cutting calories will get you where you want to be, but what about the flab. If you don't exercise you will be flabby! Exercise is what makes people look fit and toned weight loss alone can't do it.
Choose exercise you enjoy. Many people believe targeting an area will make them lose weight in that area. This isn't true! No matter what exercise you do it will help get rid of lower body fat as well as overall body fat.
Finally, weight yourself at least once a week forever. This way weight can't sneak up on you. Think about it, it's much easier to lose 5 pounds than 25.