Protein Drinks & Liquid Diet
Protein forms the building blocks of our body. There are many diets that increase the intake of protein to facilitate weight loss because of its ability to stabilize blood sugar levels. Protein takes longer to digest and therefore keeps you feeling full for longer, minimizing the need to snack. It also supports the recovery and repair of muscle after exercise. This means more workouts with more intensity and stronger muscles, which helps speed up the metabolic rate, increasing weight loss.
High amounts of protein are found in all meats, eggs, dairy, nuts, beans and tofu. Protein is also available in whey powder form and is taken as a protein shake. These shakes come in a variety of flavors and combinations. Some are designed with the perfect amount of carbohydrates and nutrients to replace meals. While this should not be done on a long-term basis, it is a popular way to lose weight.
Liquids are the easiest substance to break down and digest. Often the diet involves consuming only juice, soup, water or protein shake meal replacements. This is often done until an ideal weight is reached, and then a healthy diet is integrated into the lifestyle so this ideal weight is maintained. Doctors recommend these diets only in cases of extreme obesity or before undergoing a medical procedure. It is believed that once regular food is integrated again, the pounds come back on.
A liquid diet usually means consuming between 400 and 800 calories a day, mostly in the form of high-protein drinks, and therefore, the body is not getting a complete nutritional dose of what it needs. The diet can end up being high in sodium, which is dangerous for those with high blood pressure and also tends to break down the immune system. It may lead to stomach cramps, constipation, an abnormal menstrual cycle, anemia and dizziness. The liquid diet must be done only under strict medical supervision.
Protein shakes can be integrated into the diet by replacing one meal a day. Another meal or snack can be soup but the body still needs a variety of food to get all the nutrients we need, and we need a variety of solid foods for a healthy digestive system. Cleansing the body every six months through a fruit and vegetable fast or a water, lemon and honey fast can be highly beneficial for keeping a clear colon, but this shouldn't go on for longer than ten days.