The Fastest Method for Losing Belly Fat
Modify Food Consumption
To get rid of belly fat quick, carefully evaluate your eating habits and look for ways to make improvements. For example, overeating and overindulging in sugary treats contributes to excess abdominal weight. Reduce your daily calories and replace sugary beverages and snacks with water and low-calorie snacks (fruit, raw vegetables and yogurt). Decreasing your intake of fatty, fried and fast foods can also transform your mid-section. Eating no more than 1,500mg of sodium a day can alleviate fluid retention, which plays a role in abdominal weight.
Get Active
Resolve to get active and maintain an active lifestyle. Being active doesn't necessarily involve exercising for several hours a day. Simple activities such as walking or light jogging can quickly burn fat and calories, and reduce abdominal weight. Getting in shape involves a minimum of 90 minutes of exercise a week, usually three 30-minute workouts a week. In addition to frequent cardio workouts, toning exercising (crunches, Pilates, leg lifts) burn additional calories and tighten abdominal muscles. This results in a slimmer, more defined mid-section.
Healthy Digestive Tract
Poor digestion can cause an array of digestive health concerns such as constipation and abdominal bloating. A low-fiber diet is the primary culprit, and this can result in a larger abdomen. To quickly lose the bulge, consume between 20 and 35g of fiber a day. Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, beans, nuts, raw and cooked vegetables and fruits. Taking a fiber supplement can also provide the daily serving. To improve digestion and alleviate constipation or bloating, drink at least 64 oz. of water a day to keep your intestinal tract hydrated, and maintain a regular exercise routine to encourage normal intestinal contractions.