Slim Quick Drink FAQs
Does SlimQuick Contain Ephedrine?
SlimQuick does not contain ephedrine, which has been linked to harmful, perhaps fatal, side effects and has been banned in the United States. This diet program does not use any other form of ephedra either.
Should I Exercise While On the Diet?
Exercise is always recommended with any diet. While changing food intake alone can result in a healthier body and weight loss, adding exercise into the routine speeds up the process with results coming much faster. Also, exercise helps to promote overall body health, not just weight management.
When to Eat After Taking SlimQuick?
SlimQuick recommends waiting 30 minutes to an hour before eating after ingesting their product. This allows for it to take hold and begin to work before the body has to redirect its efforts to digesting your meal. It may be possible that the serving of SlimQuick will lessen the appetite and prevent overeating.
How Much Time Between Servings?
SlimQuick recommends taking the first serving in the morning, and the second serving about six hours later. They suggest not taking a serving before bed in an effort to stimulate the metabolism overnight. Two servings per day is the recommended dosage.
Missing a Serving of SlimQuick
Due to SlimQuick's process, missing a serving is not recommended. Also, it is never acceptable to make up for missing a serving by doubling up. This can lead to potential health problems. Also, missing an accompanying workout should be avoided to ensure faster, positive results.