How to Lose 15 Pounds Fast and Keep It Off
Get yourself in the mind frame you'll need to drop 15 pounds in a hurry. This will be no cake walk and if you're not ready to really make some changes, you can forget about losing weight and keeping it off. Make sure you and your doctor are in agreement about your get-skinny-quick plans before you start.
Set your goals. How fast you can lose weight all depends on you. How overweight are you? The more overweight you are, the more you can lose each week. If you're only 20 pounds overweight, then it will take you longer to lose 15 pounds of fat (that's right, you don't want to drop just water and muscle). If you're moderately overweight, plan on losing no more than one or two pounds per week. If you're very obese, you can reasonable expect to see three or four pounds of fat fall off each week. Now you've got your timetable. Time for the next step.
Prepare your environment. Purge your refrigerator, pantry and candy drawer at work. Start with a clean slate to help get you in the mind set of real change. If you're going to keep this 15 pounds off, you need to change your habits and your thinking, not just your diet and exercise.
Replace the bad with the good. Now, here's where the balancing act comes in to play. You want to lose 15 pounds like yesterday, but the faster you lose it, the more likely you are to gain it all back plus some. The prudent thing to do is to lose weight slowly, but if you're like most, you want microwave results, not a slow cooker slim down. So here's where you have to make a decision about replacing bad things with good ones. It's hard to go from full fat milk to skim milk in a day. You don't want to loathe your new healthy habits or you won't stick to them. Then again, that 15 pounds needs to go ASAP. This is a decision left to you and your doctor.
Get professional help. After you see your doctor, make an appointment to see a registered dietitian, an exercise physiologist or personal trainer and perhaps a counselor. Those three people will help you make a plan to deal with your eating habits, exercise habits and emotional baggage that keeps you on the weight loss-gain-loss again merry-go-round.