Tips for Slimming Down
Drink at least 64 ounces or eight 8-oz. glasses of water daily. Water is an important component in slimming down since it facilitates your body's ability to metabolize food into energy. Your body needs to be hydrated in order to burn calories and fat. Adequate water intake also helps the body digest the food you eat. Staying hydrated can also make you feel fuller, which may help you eat less.
Modify your diet to include five or six small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Eating steadily throughout the day helps maintain blood sugar levels while keeping your metabolism rate up. Include whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables in your meals. Avoid foods high in sodium since salt causes your body to bloat and retain water.
Keep a food diary to log what you are eating and when. Each time you eat, make a note of everything you ate and how you felt while you were eating. Not only will this help you become more aware of your eating habits, but a food diary will also help you identify any emotional eating or triggers you might have.
Regular exercise three to five times a week will help tone your body and keep it in shape. Create an exercise schedule that incorporates cardiovascular activity and strength training exercises. Aim for at least half an hour of cardiovascular activity several times a week. Try a low-impact exercise such as walking if you have been inactive for a period of time or are just starting to exercise regularly. Let yourself slowly build up to jogging or other more strenuous activities. Regular cardiovascular exercise can increase your metabolic rate and burn calories. Strength training should also be done at least two times a week to strengthen your muscles. Your muscles will need to burn calories to repair and maintain themselves after the workout. Aim to replace pounds of fat with pounds of muscle to slim down.
Time Frame
Set a series of small weekly or bi-weekly weight loss goals rather than one large goal. Achieving each incremental goal can be rewarding and motivating. You may set yourself up for failure if your goals are unrealistic and overwhelming. The disappointment of not meeting such goals can cause you to abandon your weight loss endeavor entirely. Avoid trying to slim down substantially within a short time period. Fast weight loss results are often unhealthy and fleeting.