Can You Lose Weight by Doing Crunches?
Crunches and sit-ups do not cause weight loss. While they tone the abdominal muscles, they burn little fat and may even result in weight gain due to adding muscle. Performed alone, crunches may even make your belly look fatter, thanks to expanding muscle beneath the layers of fat.
Food Choices
The first step you need to take to lose weight is changing the way you eat. Don't join the hottest dieting fad. Instead, make healthy eating a lifestyle. The best place to start is by not eating out and exchanging soda for water.
Meal Size
Our habit of eating lavish dinners and skipping breakfast contributes to weight gain. Try eating an average breakfast, larger lunch and small dinner. You can also consider switching to a plan of eating six small meals a day, which also keeps your belly full and your metabolism working.
Accountability Partner
Consider finding a friend to serve as your accountability partner. Weight loss comes easier when you have someone to share the adventure with you.
Join a Class
Joining an exercise class often motivates you more than trying to exercise on your own. Spin, step and yoga classes offer movements that will stretch your muscles and sweat off your weight.
While crunches don't result in weight loss, you shouldn't stop doing them. As you burn fat through healthy eating and cardiovascular exercises, perform crunches to increase the tone of your abs. Just be sure you don't rely on the crunches to lose the jiggle.