Dieter's Survival Kit Gift Ideas
Select small easy-to-eat healthy snacks for the recipient's gift basket. Insert small containers of foods like unsalted almonds, dried fruit (raisins, cranberries) and apples so that, when hunger sets in, temptation of bad food choices does not make her give in.
Offer to be a diet buddy. Provide encouragement in the form of texts, emails or hand-written notes.
Think about including a food journal in your gift. Food journals, which come in different sizes, are a great way to record the day's meals. It will make it easy for your favorite dieter to observe her progress.
A health/fitness magazine subscription makes a great no-calorie gift. Fitness magazines offer workout tips, recipes and new ideas that will keep her on track and keep her workout entertaining.
Science has proven that dark chocolate is healthy, everybody's friend. Recent studies have shown that dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. Just remember to keep it to a minimum.