How to Lose Weight in Thirty Days
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Exercise
- Natural foods
Do the math. Use a calorie counter to determine how many calories you burn each day and how many calories you will need to reduce to lose weight. Enter in your weight and your normal activity level in order to find out your current calorie expenditure.
Cut liquid calories. Instantly lower your daily intake of calories by cutting back on all drinks other than water. Juices, sodas and alcohol should be avoided as much as possible over the course of a weight loss program.
Eliminate processed foods. Fast foods, packaged snack foods, and many convenience items in grocery stores may contain more chemicals, calories, fat and sugar than food made from scratch, which can make losing weight difficult. For the next 30 days, steer clear of prepackaged convenience foods and cook for yourself. Even if you indulge in something like cookies or lasagna, control the amount of calories and chemicals in the dish by making it yourself using natural ingredients.
Move more. Find a way to include more exercise in your life each day. Exercise doesn't have to be complicated and torturous. Choose something you enjoy doing and do it on a regular basis. This could be something as simple as walking for half an hour, or swimming, biking or taking a dance class. Exercise can also come in the form of a sport or team activity, such as golf, basketball or volleyball. You can even burn extra calories by cleaning your house, taking stairs instead of the escalator, or playing with your kids or a pet.
Watch portions. No matter how healthy and chemical-free your menu may be, weight loss can be hampered by eating too many calories. Pay careful attention to the serving sizes of the foods you eat to make sure that you only consume one portion at each meal. To get used to eating the right portions, invest in a set of measuring cups and spoons for the purpose of measuring everything you eat. To get an accurate picture of how much food you eat, record your meals in a calorie tracker.
Build more muscle. The amount of muscle mass in your body can help to raise your metabolism, which means that your body will burn more calories over the course of each day. Increase your muscle mass by doing muscle building exercises that help to increase muscle, like lifting weights or working out with resistance bands.