Motivation Tips for Weight Loss
Be Reasonable
A common mistake many people make in losing weight is to set their goal too high. Trying to lose 100 pounds in 5 months is not only unreasonable, it is also dangerous. If you are very obese, shoot for 20 pounds at first. This is a reasonable goal if you are more than 100 pounds overweight. If you are not obese but simply want to remove a few stray pounds, 5 to 10 pounds may be all you need. Don't get caught up in losing weight quickly because you may become very disappointed when you don't. Two to three pounds a week is a great pace.
Don't Deprive Yourself
People often cut their intake of food down to dangerously low levels. The body needs around 1,200 calories minimum to work correctly, and even more if you are taller and heavier. Don't cut yourself off from food entirely. You will lose weight, but this is incredibly unhealthy and can lead to malnutrition and other problems. Simply replace the junk food you eat with healthy food. Eat a balanced diet. Get fruits and vegetables every day. Not only are these foods healthy, they actually help speed up your metabolism. Don't eat excessively, but eat less than you normally do. Try to make it a change of lifestyle instead of a diet.
Reward Yourself
Rewarding yourself for reaching weight loss goals can help make weight loss easier. If you lose 5 pounds, go get yourself a pizza. If you lose 10, buy yourself a luxury item. If you reach your goal, throw a party. There are many different reward ideas, many of which can be related to food. Your body will be adjusting to living without the amount of food it normally eats and you will have cravings. Occasionally rewarding yourself for sticking to your goal can help curb these cravings.