Easiest Way for Extremely Obese People to Lose Weight
A healthy diet should always be the first step of any weight loss program. However, dieting does not have to be a chore. The easiest way to begin losing weight is to increase your metabolism. In order to do so, you should start eating more often, but in smaller portions. Try to eat six to eight small meals a day. An example of a small meal is half a turkey sandwich, or a banana and a light yogurt. You should never feel full immediately after a meal, but you should not be extremely hungry either. Try to eat every hour and a half to two hours and maintain a feeling of slight hunger. This will force your body to constantly burn off what you are eating, but give it enough time to not store calories as fat. As a result, you will be speeding up your metabolism. Furthermore, the meals should be healthy. Most people can figure out what is good for you and what is not. Although you should not eat only lettuce or force yourself to eat things you hate, do try to eliminate foods with saturated or trans fats and lower your intake of sugar. Start by cutting out soda and switching to water. Finally, do not let a diet take over your life or depress you. Allow yourself one small meal a week to give in to a craving. This will make it easier to maintain your diet the rest of the week.
Be Active
It is important to start living an active lifestyle. No one will expect you to run a few miles a day, but moving around and burning calories will increase your metabolism and help you lose weight. Pick up a hobby that you enjoy which forces you to move around. Take the dog out for a walk every day or play a sport that you enjoy. Always take the route that makes you walk farther. For example, park your car as far away from the store as possible, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Eventually, you can integrate some light aerobic exercises into your daily routine. This can include jogging, biking or swimming. Aerobic exercises are the best way to burn off calories and speed up your metabolism. In fact, aerobic exercises keep your metabolism up for as long as eight hours after you stop your workout. It is important to pick an exercise or activity that you do not mind doing. Thus, it will be easier for you to maintain the program and keep up the weight loss. Remember to always consult a physician before you start any training or exercise program.