How to Calorie Count to Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Pen
- Small notebook or steno pad
Find out how many calories you should consume each day by doing online research or through books and periodicals. Talk to your doctor or check out dieting applications such as "The Daily Plate" on (See References).
Record each item you drink and eat within a given day.
Next to each item, list the number of calories associated with the item consumed. This can also be done online through The Daily Plate application. Total up the calories
Review the total number of calories consumed over the course of a few days and compare this number to your recommended calorie intake. Are you eating more or less calories than you should?
Consider decreasing the number of calories you eat and increasing your exercise if you're eating more than your recommended calorie intake. If you're not eating enough calories, increase your exercise and review the types of foods you're eating to ensure that you are consuming a variety of healthy foods.