What Is the B12 Diet Shot?
The human body needs B12 for the overall health of nerve and red blood cells, and also to aid in digestion. Since the body does not manufacture it, the only way to get it is through diet and/or supplementation. When dieting, a B12 deficiency can occur due to the limiting of consumption of foods that are high in B12, such as red meet.
Signs of Deficiency
One indication that there may not be enough B12 present in the body if one begins to feel fatigue and dizziness, especially when dieting. An individual also may experience diarrhea or constipation, and become disoriented or confused. There could be a tingling sensation in the extremities, and even chest pains.
Taking shots of B12 can give a boost to the body by providing the energy that is normally supplied through proper eating. From a dieting standpoint, it can also help reduce the craving for food. In older people, it can help alleviate the vitamin deficiency that can result from a lack of variety in diet, and can also help maintain energy levels and maintain memory function.
How it Works
B12 works by stimulating the thyroid gland, which creates the need for the body to move, as well as the required energy for movement. As a result, there is more of a desire to perform exercise, and to engage in it for longer periods of time. It can also reduce the stress that can lead to chronic fatigue.
Side Effects
In general, side effects of B12 shots are minimal, if they occur at all. Some people may experience an allergic reaction, such as a rash or tightness in the chest, but this occurs rarely. It is also difficult to take a B12 overdose since excess amounts are excreted through urinating, which is usually indicated by a darkening of the urine.