Diet & Exercise Plans for Weight Loss
Acai Berry Diet
Natural weight loss methods are in high demand. Oprah Winfrey and her nutritionist Bob Greene introduced the acai berry diet to America. From Oprah's stage, the new berry sensation exploded. This is a great diet plan and natural detox. Acai berries are rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Adding acai berries to your diet can promote weight loss but a healthy diet and exercise plan are still recommended for visible results.
Low-Calorie Diet
Counting calories seems easy enough but can be a very tedious task. Each food and beverage has its own amount of calories. Some foods and beverages may have nutritional facts on them, which lessens the counting work for you. Foods like carrots, potatoes, onions and cucumbers do not have nutritional labels. Counting calories is a safe and easy way to lose weight because results are based on a simple formula. If you burn more calories than you take in, it is scientifically proven that you will lose weight. There are several calorie-counting tools that you can use to guarantee accuracy. For example, iGoogle has a free calorie counter on its homepage.
Power 90x
P90X is a three-phase nutritional plan that is designed to transform the body in just 90 days. The plan includes strenuous workouts, diet supplements, a nutrition calendar, online support and a detailed fitness guide. Commitment is the determining factor in weight loss when using P90X. There are many YouTube testimonies, website testimonies and written testimonies that support the benefits and possibilities of P90X.
Baby Food Diet
In the 21st century, Hollywood stars are turning to an alternative "Baby Food" diet, helping them to fight against hunger pains. Jennifer Aniston is just one of many celebrities that promote a healthy baby food diet. Although the sound of eating baby food sounds bizarre, baby food is the most healthy food on supermarket shelves. It is formulated for babies and for that reason it does not contain any artificial flavors, preservatives or hormones. Organic baby food is also available, and bananas and carrots seem to be the preferred taste among those on the baby food diet.
Micellaneous Diet and Exercises
The Master Cleanse diet is a wonderful way to rocket launch your weight loss. With the master cleanse you can lose between 15 and 20 pounds in as little as two weeks. The Master Cleanse is a liquid diet that requires strict discipline and determination. The weight will come off fast and your results will be noticeable if you follow the diet without cheating.
The Master Cleanse or Lemon Cleanse is a detoxing, liquid diet. Its major ingredients include organic lemons, cayenne pepper, natural sea salt, senna leaf tea and tons of purified water. The cleanse requires that a mixture of lemons, Cayenne pepper and water be consumed whenever you feel hungry. Once a day senna leaf tea must also be consumed followed by a glass of warm water and sea salt. The results will amaze you but your efforts must be consistent.