Contour Ab Belt Facts
The theory behind the Contour Ab Belt is that the electrical impulses put forth by the unit when it is worn around the waist will cause the muscles to contract on their own, which will strengthen the abs through repeated movement as if you were continuously flexing them. The more the "exercise" is repeated, the stronger the muscles will become.
Positive Effects
The belt will strengthen the abdominal muscles over time. According to the Idea Marketers website, it has been used successfully in the healthcare profession to help patients recover from injured abdominal muscles. There are also no reported concerns about the safety of the unit.
Reducing Waist Size
While the Contour Ab Belt can strengthen abdominal muscles, there is no concrete proof that it will reduce waist size. Exercise is only one component of an abdominal program. In order to lose fat, a proper diet that is low in fat must also be followed, and aerobic exercise needs to be included. Otherwise, the strengthened muscles could actually serve to make the waistline increase in size.
Customer reaction to the product runs the gamut from rave reviews to complete dissatisfaction. The My Diet Area site gives it a four-star rating out of a possible five, but also suggests looking at other belts before purchasing. Diet Spotlight came to the conclusion that the belt is only effective for those who are already in good physical condition.
Regular use of the Contour Ab Belt will serve to define stomach muscles, but will not work as well as a combination of diet and exercise when it comes to reducing waist size. In addition, the cost of the unit may be prohibitive for many people.