How to Lose 7 Lbs in 7 Weeks The Healthy Way
Things You'll Need
- Water
- pedometer
- determination
First you will need to wear your pedometer around the house and during your daily errands or to work. It is best to start on a Monday. Wear it for three days from morning to night and take note of how many steps you have taken each day. Next you will want to take the three days worth of steps and figure out an average. To do this you will add the three days of steps and then divide them by three.
After figuring out your average, you will subtract that amount from 10,000. The remainder will be the amount of extra steps you will need to take each day to start losing weight. My average was 6,000. So my remainder was 4,000. That means I will need to take 4,000 extra steps each day to make my goal of 10,000 steps.
On the fourth day, you will wear your pedometer and time you self on how long it takes to make up those extra steps you will need to take. You may go for a brisk walk. I just walk up and down my hallway! Do the same on the fifth day. Then figure out the average on how long it takes you to make up the steps by adding it together, and then dividing it by two. It only takes me 30 minutes to make up my steps. You may take the weekend off.
Now that you have timed your stepping, you know about how long it takes you to make up your missing steps. So figure out a good time during your weekdays to fit in your steps. If you are a big soda drinker, or even coffee if you add lots of sugar, you will have better success if you trade over to water. You should check out an article written by Nathaniel Carroll Titled How to Lose Weight by Cutting Soda from Your Diet to help kick soda drinking. If you follow these directions and do not skip anything you should see results after seven weeks. I recommend keeping this habit because you will feel much better if you are in good health:)